Author: sea gothman

Some stooge. Been runnin' things 'round here since 2000.

Happy Birthday Moon, Courtney Taylor

Hey everybody, it’s the Moon’s birthday. Happy Birthday, you Moon you. Just think of all the Moon puns I would normally make and multiply that by, oh how old, er, young are you? What’s that? You’re a lady, you’ll never tell? Criminey. Well, whatever it is, you look smashing. My own personal Helena Bonham Carter in the sky. What, no, I’m not bagging on Helena Bonham Carter, I like her.

By the way, guess whose autograph is on the Moon. If you guessed Richard Nixon you are right.

Oh, here’s a video Zia wanted posted, it’s closer tot he moon than you’ll ever be.

Video artist Chris is here, you should thank him for making it.

ALSO:  Today is my  friend Courtney Taylor-Taylor’s birthday.  Happy birthday, captain.


Zia DJ In Portand

Zia will be djing tonight at East End in Portland for our friend Sarah Jane’s “Bikini Bingo”. Also, she will be guest djing tomorrow (monday) at Dante’s for Karaoke from Hell.


The Dandy Warhols Are Sound Released


Remember when we released The Dandy Warhols Are Sound today? And then you bought it?  Good times.

Thanks for helping us out with this, reTweeting and posting this news to Facebook and Myspace and the rest. (Hint.)  The future success of the musicians like us lay in the hands of fans who continue help fund them.  That’s you.  So help us out and help insure people even have music to listen to in 2010 and beyond. We have some great extras to go along with The Dandy Warhols Are Sound, so check out the purchase page and help us along.  And tell your friends.


PS. Hey, these songs are familiar…


What, This Old Thing?


I love this interview.  Peter was in a funny mood this day and we were having a lot of fun.  I love our little banter about the MySpace thing.  Mattress is Nation’s brother .  (Nation being our lighting tech for our live shows, ‘Poopy’).   Mattress is also a chef and the best cook I know.  He is a great friend and I love that his name was dropped in the interview.  I bet he is in most peoples ‘top 8 friends’ on MySpace.   He is a legend.

I also love Pete’s hair in this clip.


Odditorium Photo Of The Day: 30 June 2009

BIG ROOM.  I like how every photo taken in the Oddotiurm has a tint of either amber or red.
BIG ROOM. Quit being such a lush, god damn it.

PS.  Are you excited about The Dandy Warhols Are Sound coming out in two weeks?  I am.  I was going back and forth comparing songs on Monkey House and Are Sound the other day and was knocked out by the difference.  But not how like a crazy transvestite would knock you out with an iron in her purse, no.  Like how when a little kid will sing you a song and give you a hug because that’s what little kids do. That kind of knocked out.  On July 14, get a hug!


Saturday Night MJ Party At The Oddy

Zia and Poopie decided to throw a Michael Jackson dance party at the Odditorium on Saturday night. You could say it was very successful in that way more people showed up than expected.  Like a “who are these people” amount of people.  Guess you shouldn’t post a party on Craigslist.  ::shrug::  (Craigslist joke by Brian Coates, professional quipster.)


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The Dandy Warhols

Date City Venue Country
Tour: 2025-07 EU
07/04/25 Hérouville-Saint-Clair Beauregard Festival FR
Time: 3:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/09/25 Athens Univers GR
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/10/25 Ioannina Peaki Sports Complex GR
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/11/25 Patras Palaia Sfageia GR
Time: 7:00pm.
07/12/25 Sofia Arena Sofia BG
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/14/25 Bucherest Quantic Club RO
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/16/25 Zagreb Boogaloo Club HR
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/17/25 Prague Lucerna Music Bar CZ
Time: 7:00pm. Address: Štěpánská 61. Buy Tickets
07/18/25 Debrecen Campus Festival HU
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/20/25 Vienna WUK AT
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/21/25 Katowice P23 PL
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/23/25 Hamburg GF36 DE
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/25/25 Emo Forest Fest IE
Time: 3:00pm. Buy Tickets
➡ GET LOST! In The Dandy Warhols' GIGOGRAPHY. Every show we have played.
“Alcohol and Cocainemarijuananicotine”
“Teutonic Wine”

“I’d Like To Help You With Your Problem (featuring Slash)”
“Danzig With Myself (featuring Black Francis)”
“The Summer Of Hate”

©2023 The Dandy Warhols, Portland, Oregon USA