We’re crossing an international border today, which is not as exciting as it sounds. Toronto Thursday evening at Lee’s Palace [TICKETS].
Follow The Dandy Warhols on Twitter,Instagram, and Facebook for the latest from the road, then tag your photos and videos #TheDandyWarhols to let us see you seeing us.
Awww. I’ve had a crush on Nathan Rice for 20 years.
Photo: JuanLufr.
Photo: LuanLufr.
Photo: JuanLufr
Photo: Jim Perry.
Photo: Jim Perry.
Photo: Jill Hunter.
Photo: Hadley Potts.
Photo: Hadley Potts.
Night 2 at MHOW. Photo: CournteyHarristuten
Yeah these are a little late. Boston Monday.
Follow The Dandy Warhols on Twitter,Instagram, and Facebook for the latest from the road, then tag your photos and videos #TheDandyWarhols to let us see you seeing us.
FIRST NIGHT in Brooklyn at SOLD OUT Music Hall of Williamsburg. We’re gonna do it again tonight, don’t worry.
Follow The Dandy Warhols on Twitter,Instagram, and Facebook for the latest from the road, then tag your photos and videos #TheDandyWarhols to let us see you seeing us.
Not Zia. She’s taking the bus, thank you. Photo: Buckley.
Fathead decides to drive from Detroit to Cinci himself. Photo: Buckley.
Photo: Julie Clardy
The best. Photo: Scotty.
Thanks for the great Kombucha, Colette!!! Photo: @lotsawonders
Thanks Blue Pete. Photo: @totsawonders
Photo: Kenny
Photo: @kaufgil
Soundcheck at SGHR. Lookit this place. Photo: Sean Tichenor.
What a beautiful venue was this Southgate House Revival, and even more beautiful people. Thanks for coming out to see us. Next up: The City of Brooklyn Friday (TICKETS) and Saturday (SOLD OUT).
Follow The Dandy Warhols on Twitter,Instagram, and Facebook for the latest from the road, then tag your photos and videos #TheDandyWarhols to let us see you seeing us.
Fun from Indy + Chicago! Thanks for coming out, everyone, what a blast. We’ll see you tomorrow night in Detroit at Magic Bag [TICKETS??]. Dig it.
Follow The Dandy Warhols on Twitter,Instagram, and Facebook for the latest from the road, then tag your photos and videos #TheDandyWarhols to let us see you seeing us.
Who doesn’t love to start a tour with fresh flowers? Buckley digs it the most!
1st Ave!!!!
Photo: @just_jt
Zia is writing you.
Kicking off in Minneapolis at the legendary First Avenue.
Follow The Dandy Warhols on Twitter,Instagram, and Facebook for the latest from the road, then tag your photos and videos #TheDandyWarhols to let us see you seeing us.
Thank you Melbourne. And thank you Perth, Port Hedford, Sydney, Brisbane, and Adelaide; The Upsidedown, The New Pollution, Sacred Shrines, The Morning After Girls, Freedom, Sun God Replica, North West Festival, Wolfmother, and everyone who fed us amazing food and gave us amazing hugs during our stay in Australia. We love you! See you again soon, Aussies.
Back in the States in a few. See you September 12th in Minneapolis.
Uno mas in Melbourne tonight – the fifth and final SOLD OUT show at the Corner – a record, apparently.
Follow The Dandy Warhols on Twitter,Instagram, and Facebook for the latest from the road, then tag your photos and videos #TheDandyWarhols to let us see you seeing us.
Follow The Dandy Warhols on Twitter,Instagram, and Facebook for the latest from the road, then tag your photos and videos #TheDandyWarhols to let us see you seeing us.
from @spidey1 — The Dandy Warhols were simply incredible tonight! #TheDandyWarhols
from @spidey1 — Everyday Should Be A Holiday #TheDandyWarhols
from @spidey1 — The Dandy Warhols at Enmore Theatre – 29 August 2014 #TheDandyWarhols #DandyWarhols #EnmoreTheatre #Sydney #Australia #Tour #Live #Music #Gig #Show #Concert #Rock
from @schizophrenicghostbitch — “And they are very cool. (And good dancers, in Zia’s case)”
from @schizophrenicghostbitch — “The Dandy Warhols are: Zia McCabe, Brent Deboer, Courtney Taylor-Taylor (who liked mentioning weed cos there was police and a sniffer dog outside) and Peter Holmstrom”
from @melletios — #thedandywarhols
from @melletios — #thedandywarhols
from @thisislandinthesun — “girl crush of the week #thedandywarhols”
from @noisyboysie — Just Dandy
from @eoinjmcm — “#thedandywarhols being totally rad.”
from @ephemeral.as.breath
from @theebrightside — “@thedandywarhols killed it tonight in Sydney. As always! I love you guys. #thedandywarhols”
from @millsy_k — “You were the last high. #thedandywarhols”
from @rnorris01 — The Dandy Warhols @Enmore #thedandywarhols
But you’ll need a ticket to get in. (@pab1970)
The Enmore, Sydney. Photo: Brian Schwartz
Staged evil. Photo: Scott T. Simons
Golly, so many good looking people in Sydney. A huge thank you for the photos and the love, you guys.
Follow The Dandy Warhols on Twitter,Instagram, and Facebook for the latest from the road, then tag your photos and videos #TheDandyWarhols to let us see you seeing us.