Oh Boston. On the NE coast these guys were such an infestation that they just went ahead and fed them to the local prison inmates…. Without drawn butter.
Courtney and Fathead were on WFNX in Boston this morning, and since some of you don’t live in Boston or were otherwise occupied, you can listen to the program in podcast form HERE, or embedded below.
WFNX has been a cool station since the eighties. Check out some of the names on these reels.
I haven’t finished this book yet but man, it’s fuggin genius. Get it. Basically a war novel, it’s setting is a really amazing dystopian view of the future. Incredibly detailed and well considered in regards to every concept he puts in. And there’s a lot of em.
I’m having Pete ask Richard K. Morgan about it cuz he’s my favorite uber modern writer. (Another Warhols fan. Pete met him when Richard was on book tour.) If he has, I’ll post what he says.
And check out “Altered Carbon” by Richard K. Morgan. This also mind-blowing book deals with a plausible future and how class structure/technology could play out. Richard’s “voice” as a writer is so cool. Dude is awesome.
DJ Zia Rescue’s show is on W + K Radio is this morning at 11am (Pacific). You can listen at W + K, on your media player (like iTunes), or below in the embedded player. The show will replay at 2pm Pacific, if you are too busy to listen at eleven. Requests or comments? Sure.
Here’s the LINK to listen to Courtney and Fathead live on WRFF in Philadelpia. Looks like you can download an App for iPhones and Blackberrys that gives you streaming radio from 150 radio stations at this link as well as just listen live.
This afternoon Courtney and Brent are doing a station takeover on WXPN. They’ll be spinning their favorite tracks for an hour. Here’s the LINK on that one.
Don’t forget Zia at 11AM PDT on W+K radio.
We’ll be twittering live from the studio with Zia and all day long so be sure to let us know you’re alive.