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Whatsit: CTT with Anya Marina

From the popular SPIN Magazine:

Portland, Oregon-based singer-songwriter Anya Marina, who turned heads with her 2009 album, Slow & Steady Seduction: Phase II, and landed in SPIN’s Breaking Out section, is back November 15 with a new EP called Spirit School. Like Seduction, it boasts collabos with some of her rockin’ pals, including Dandy Warhols frontman Courtney Taylor — hear their song “Whatsit” below!



Win North America Tour Tickets from TheRFW.com

TheRFW.com is giving a way tickets to The Dandy Warhols North American tour. To enter, replace your Facebook photo with any Dandy Warhols album cover, sign up at therfw.com/contests and make a wall post on facebook.com/TheRFW on the day of the show in your city.  TheRFW.com will select a random winner to go to that night’s performance by The Dandy Warhols.


11/3 – Boston
11/6 – New York
11/10 – Asheville
11/11 – Atlanta
11/14 – Austin
12/03 – Seattle
12/10 – Los Angeles
12/11 – San Francisco


Big Takeover Review 10/30/10

Here is something I found today that I liked.

Big Takeover: The Dandy Warhols with Blue Giant-The Vic Theater (Chicago, IL)-Saturday, October 30th, 2010

CLIPPED …More than anything, their 2 hour set brought about a sense of rich perspective on the band’s best works, which are definitely something to be proud of. “Not If You Were the Last Junkie on Earth” and “We Used to Be Friends” appeared quite early on and garnered a great camaraderie amongst Dandies fans. “I Love You” was ripe with a keener sense of lust and Taylor sang “Holiday” in its most stripped down form by himself after excusing the band and quipping that they all needed to take a break and use the restroom. “Boys Better,” “Bohemian Like You,” and “Get Off” came later and felt epically catchy. Another highlight, “Good Morning” provided such a rich melancholy that one couldn’t help but close her/his eyes just to feel the pleasurable waves pass through the thick air hovering about….



Actual Laugh Out Loud

Well now if you’re a writer who aspires to be clever I can tell you firsthand that “The Gunseller” will most likely make you want to quit.  It did in my case.

This guy’s control over his effusive cleverness is uncommon to say the least.  I laugh out loud around twice a page. And I don’t mean the nauseating little abbreviation that people put next to the equally nauseating sideways smiley face when they’ve texted you something that they feel is inappropriate, completely not-funny or both.  I actually mean that I actually laugh out loud.

Incidentally, the plot just happens to rock as hard as a Ludlum novel (which of course he wryly alludes to early on) and not once do you feel like you’re reading a “first novel”. If you’ve read “Don’t Point That Thing at Me” and dug it, this is quite similar and I feel that it’s just as good.

Soon I Will Be Invincible” has a great first couple pages but quickly becomes quite the opposite.  This book makes me want to write the book that the cover makes me wish that he wrote.  The story is basically a comic book story very similar to X-Men but told from the point of view of one of the supervillains and includes his entire life story.  This isn’t a novel idea in the world of graphic novels but it apparently is novel in the world of novel novels.

The guy is a good writer but I can’t help thinking that his editor could or should have made this book a more consistently enjoyable experience for me but just working a little bit harder.  I struggled through some Mojave Desert dryness and gave up for a while.  I’ll letcha know if it gets any better when I try it again.


Cheeses Christ

Okay then, Minneapolis.  That beer is called Surly Darkness and it’s made about three miles from the club we just played.  Had a great show too.

Wisconsin……cheeses christ!

The cheese store is called Fromagination and wow is it spectacular. I’m having a bowl of red pepper/tomato soup into which I have had them grate some St Pauline capri.


Courtney Movie Reviews: A Serious Man, Jerry Maguire, Special Relationship

A Serious Man


A nifty but noticeably unsatisfying jewish movie for jewish people about jewishness and jewish things on top of which they had a hard time thinking up an ending again.

Jerry Maguire


Dude, I totally cried n shit.

The Special Relationship


At first it seems like a very astute movie about the true nature of relationships, but on a deeper level it’s about how great Tony Blair was and how Bill Clinton was a real shitbag.

Movie Review Archive


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The Dandy Warhols

Date City Venue Country
Tour: 2025-05 NE US
05/09/25 Asbury Park, NJ The Stone Pony US
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
05/10/25 Pawling, NY Daryl’s House Club US
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
05/11/25 Rochester, NY Anthology US
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
05/13/25 Washington, DC Howard Theatre US
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
05/14/25 Ardmore, PA Ardmore Music Hall US
Time: 7:00pm. Address: 23 E Lancaster Ave. Buy Tickets
05/16/25 New York, NY Bowery Ballroom US
Time: 7:00pm. Address: 6 Delancey. Buy Tickets
05/17/25 New York, NY Two Fifteen Lounge @ PUBLIC Hotel US
Time: 5:00pm. ** acoustic performance before evening bowery ballroom show Buy Tickets
05/17/25 New York, NY Bowery Ballroom US
Time: 7:00pm. Address: 6 Delancey. Buy Tickets
05/18/25 New York, NY Mercury Lounge US
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
Tour: 2025-07 EU
07/04/25 Hérouville-Saint-Clair Beauregard Festival FR
Time: 3:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/09/25 Athens Univers GR
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/10/25 Ioannina Peaki Sports Complex GR
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/11/25 Patras Palaia Sfageia GR
Time: 7:00pm.
07/12/25 Sofia Arena Sofia BG
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/14/25 Bucherest Quantic Club RO
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/16/25 Zagreb Boogaloo Club HR
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/17/25 Prague Lucerna Music Bar CZ
Time: 7:00pm. Address: Štěpánská 61. Buy Tickets
07/18/25 Debrecen Campus Festival HU
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/20/25 Vienna WUK AT
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/21/25 Katowice P23 PL
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/23/25 Hamburg GF36 DE
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/25/25 Emo Forest Fest IE
Time: 3:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/26/25 Guimarães Rock No Rio Febres PT
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
➡ GET LOST! In The Dandy Warhols' GIGOGRAPHY. Every show we have played.
“Love Thyself”
“Alcohol and Cocainemarijuananicotine”
“Teutonic Wine”

“I’d Like To Help You With Your Problem (featuring Slash)”
“Danzig With Myself (featuring Black Francis)”
“The Summer Of Hate”

©2023 The Dandy Warhols, Portland, Oregon USA