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Interview: Fathead on Triple-J

Hey, here is an interview Fathead gave with Triple-J in Melbourne last week, talking about living in Australia, festivals, and the new Capitol Years record.  At the end of the interview, you will hear half of the newest Dandys song, “This is the Tide”.   The second half of the song is just as good, so you should buy it when it comes out wherever you live.

[pro-player image=’http://dandywarhols.com/images/fathead-click.jpg’ width=’460′ height=’150′ type=’sound’]http://dandywarhols.com/sounds/Interviews/Brent%20DeBoer%20on%20Triple%20J%2018%20June%202010%2020100714%201125.mp3[/pro-player]

Hey, don’t forget, we’ll be on the Parklife Festival Tour in Australia this coming September/October. Tickets are on sale for that now at parklife.com.au.


Dates Added: USA and Canada

Hi there. These dates are the but the first half of this tour in the United States and Canada starting in October and finishing up in December. More dates will be announced soon, so hold your horses.

Tour: TDW USA Fall 2010
10/30/10 The Dandy Warhols in
Chicago, IL
Vic Theatre US
Time: 9:00pm.
Address: 3145 North Sheffield Ave. Chicago, IL 60657.
11/01/10 The Dandy Warhols in
Toronto, ON
Phoenix Concert Theatre CA
Time: 9:00pm.
Address: 410 Sherbourne Street Toronto, ON M4X 1K5, Canada.
11/02/10 The Dandy Warhols in
Montréal, QC
Le National CA
Time: 9:00pm.

Address: 1220, Rue Sainte-Catherine Est Montreal, QC H2L 2G9, Canada.

11/03/10 The Dandy Warhols in
Boston, MA
Royale Nightclub US
Time: 9:00pm.
Address: 279 Tremont St Boston, MA 02116.
11/05/10 The Dandy Warhols in
Brooklyn, NY
Bell House US
Time: 9:00pm.
Address: 149 7th Street Brooklyn, NY 11215.
11/06/10 The Dandy Warhols in
New York, NY
Webster Hall US
Time: 9:00pm.

Address: 125 East 11th St, New York, NY 10003

11/07/10 The Dandy Warhols in
Philadelphia, PA
Electric Factory US
Time: 9:00pm.

Address: 421 North 7th Street Philadelphia, PA 19123.

11/11/10 The Dandy Warhols in
Atlanta, GA
Center Stage US
Time: 9:00pm.

Address: 1374 W Peachtree St NW Atlanta, GA 30309.

11/13/10 The Dandy Warhols in
Dallas, TX
Granada Theater US
Time: 9:00pm.
Address: 3524 Greenville Avenue Dallas, TX 75206.
11/14/10 The Dandy Warhols in
Austin, TX
La Zona Rosa US
Time: 9:00pm.
Address: 612 West 4th Street Austin, TX 78701.

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They Don’t Make Em Like They Used To: Edith Piaf


For years I have wondered what the hell she could be singing about in this song.  This chorus is so grand and sweeping that I of course hoped the lyrics and subject matter lived up to the sweeping grandeur of the melody.  Well guess what…. holy shit.

Here is the older Edith singing it with English translation:

Here’s a great shot of her in her younger grace and beauty:

This chick sings like the ultimate heavyweight champ of the world.  Damn.


Interview: “Fine and Dandy”

From an interview CTT submitted to the Daily Telegraph in Sydney:

Dandy Warhols drummer Brent DeBoer has just moved to Melbourne, from where his wife hails.  He got married out in the billabongs,” frontman Courtney Taylor-Taylor says. We love Australia.  We’re a guitar band, it’s a guitar country.  Australia didn’t derail on the girl band/boy band/rap-rock nightmare of the late ’90s.”
The next Dandy Warhols album won’t be on their own label again. “We’re terrible at business,” Taylor-Taylor admits. “Terrible. We don’t know what we’re doing. It’s like trying to have children run a household. We need to hook up with some indie label. The new stuff is sounding good. It’s a little less dirty so far.”
Their old label has released a new compilation Best of the Capitol Years 1995-2007 – with Dandy hits Bohemian Like You, We Used to Be Friends and Not If You Were the Last Junkie on Earth. “It’s funny to have all the big hits, the marginal hits and the cult hits all together on one album. It makes good sense.”
They’ll play the hits during their Parklife festival set. “We love playing dance festivals. We’re basically a trance band who use Simon and Garfunkel’s instruments and harmonies.”

Information on the PARKLIFE FESTIVAL!?!



Thought this photo was a funny little book review in and of itself.

The book sucks primarily because every character in it is a real piece of shit.  Like an Altman film but somehow Altman could make that work for me. Or at least he did in “Nashville”.  Not “Shortcuts” though.  But that’s a whole different section on the website.


Things To Do In Portland, July 2 2010 Edition

This message is for peoples in Portland only.  If you don’t live in Portland, then go look at this.

So it’s just us guys here, right?  Seems that tonight, on that most infamous block of SW3rd between Burnside and Ankney, we have a couple of things going on you should be made aware of.

Uno:  At Dante’s (1 SW 3rd/$10/21+) tonight, Courtney and Zia will be taking part in Walt Curtis Birthday Party benefit.  Who is Walt Curtis? Walt is is renown poet, author and artist, who most famously wrote a book you may have heard of called Mala Noche, which was, in turn, adapted into a motion picture by our friend, filmmaker Gus Van Sant.  Well, a couple months ago, Walt lost everything he owned – all his books, all his art, everything – in a fire.  Events taking place in Portland this week were set up to help Walt get back on his feet.  Tonight is night two of the benefit, Walt’s Birthday Party at Dante’s, where will will find acts including Zia performing an acoustic set with her side project Brush Prairie, and Courtney will be reading his favorite Walt Curtis poem.  This event is scheduled to run from 8pm-1am.

Dos:  Literally across the street at Berbati’s Pan (231 SW Ankeny/$8/All Ages), Pete International Airport will be making its official debut, playing with the bands The Pharmacy, Cheap Flight, and The Shivas.  Plucky says PIA will be going on at eleven.

(I guess ‘they’ will let you walk back and forth all night, right?  They used to let you, right. Or am I imagining things?)

Another thing:  if you’re in the Pearl late this afternoon, stop by Jinx (232 NW 12) for happy hour.  Zia will be spinning.

Aaaaaand:  If you wanna go to Rontoms (600 E Burnside) on July 4th for 1776, Logan Lynn, and The Hugs, you will be rewarded with a real great time.

Try not to blow your hands off over the weekend.



Discography Drinkography

Taken from a Taylor-Taylor interview in Australian ZOO Weekly, conducted by Lachlan Williams.  Do I have a link to the entire interview? No!

What would you recommend we drink to accompany the different Dandys albums?
Yes.  I’m going to say the first record is Tanqueray and tonic with a lime. Come Down is really Jager with a beer back. It’s thick and foggy in your head.  It’s a young man’s drink.  Whiskey and soda, of course, is Thirteen Tales. Courvoisier on the rocks for Monkey House.

Great! What the hell is Courvoisier?
Courvoisier XO – it’s a cognac that very rich hip-hop guys drink. Y’know, on second thoughts, I think Come Down is Chartreusee in the winter, or a Pims cup if you listen to it in the summer. Odditorium is definitely French wine, and then you can move straight to port – actually, I think Earth to the Dandy Warhols is more like that. Odditorium, there’s a definite New York thing to that. I think it’s tequila with a Rolling Rock beer back. It’s a very New-Yorky beer. Hey, I should put this online to go with our Capitol Years 1995-2007 release.

And so we did.


Courtney’s Movie Reviews: The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, I Love You Man

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus


Being quite familiar with Gilliam’s progression I feel I can safely say that this visual extravaganza was not made one iota more confusing by the untimely passing of that wonderful Heath Ledger than it otherwise wouldve been.

I Love You Man


Did a good job of making me real uncomfortable for an hour and forty-four minutes and I did laugh but only until they’d bring in the toothless indie acoustic rock songs for the Starbucks thirty-something viewers and that, of course, would totally kill my buzz.

Movie Review Archive


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The Dandy Warhols

Date City Venue Country
Tour: 2025-05 NE US
05/09/25 Asbury Park, NJ The Stone Pony US
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
05/10/25 Pawling, NY Daryl’s House Club US
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
05/11/25 Rochester, NY Anthology US
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
05/13/25 Washington, DC Howard Theatre US
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
05/14/25 Ardmore, PA Ardmore Music Hall US
Time: 7:00pm. Address: 23 E Lancaster Ave. Buy Tickets
05/16/25 New York, NY Bowery Ballroom US
Time: 7:00pm. Address: 6 Delancey. Buy Tickets
05/17/25 New York, NY Two Fifteen Lounge @ PUBLIC Hotel US
Time: 5:00pm. ** acoustic performance before evening bowery ballroom show Buy Tickets
05/17/25 New York, NY Bowery Ballroom US
Time: 7:00pm. Address: 6 Delancey. Buy Tickets
05/18/25 New York, NY Mercury Lounge US
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
Tour: 2025-07 EU
07/04/25 Hérouville-Saint-Clair Beauregard Festival FR
Time: 3:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/09/25 Athens Univers GR
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/10/25 Ioannina Peaki Sports Complex GR
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/11/25 Patras Palaia Sfageia GR
Time: 7:00pm.
07/12/25 Sofia Arena Sofia BG
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/14/25 Bucherest Quantic Club RO
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/16/25 Zagreb Boogaloo Club HR
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/17/25 Prague Lucerna Music Bar CZ
Time: 7:00pm. Address: Štěpánská 61. Buy Tickets
07/18/25 Debrecen Campus Festival HU
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/20/25 Vienna WUK AT
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/21/25 Katowice P23 PL
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/23/25 Hamburg GF36 DE
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/25/25 Emo Forest Fest IE
Time: 3:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/26/25 Guimarães Rock No Rio Febres PT
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
➡ GET LOST! In The Dandy Warhols' GIGOGRAPHY. Every show we have played.
“Love Thyself”
“Alcohol and Cocainemarijuananicotine”
“Teutonic Wine”

“I’d Like To Help You With Your Problem (featuring Slash)”
“Danzig With Myself (featuring Black Francis)”
“The Summer Of Hate”

©2023 The Dandy Warhols, Portland, Oregon USA