To all Holiday Party goers:
I’m DJing a party for Portland Art Museum members but regular folks can go too for only $10 (which includes snacks and drinks).
Sounds like a pretty good time!
And if you look over to your right (on the webpage, not in real life) you can listen to/download “Little Drummer Boy” via the widget and listen to it at least three or four times. Are you even too lazy to look to the right? Is that what you are telling me? Fine, download it here.
Some friends of mine, Kurt Eisenlohr and Meme Medici are throwing a party to raise awareness about a potentially amazing village in Italy soon to be alternative european utopia.
Properties are going for as little at $10,00, with 2 bdrm houses on them! Could be great.
Anyway, I’ve been asked to sing a few of the songs I do on Mondays at Karaoke From Hell, Kirk (guitar player from KFH) will be joining me on acoustic guitar.
Another cool thing about this event is that label mates 1776 will be playing as well. I gonna watch those guys rock, get my fortune told and then sing a few country covers. Oh and it’s only $6. (the price on the flyer is wrong). See you See you tonight at Rotture/Branx (315 SE 3rd)!
Hey it looks like Beat The World is on fire, just blatantly giving things away now. Like Logan Lynn parties and free music and guitars and, wait what? Guitars?
Beat The World Records is excited to announce that we are partnering with Guild Guitars to offer a dynamite guitar giveaway contest to fans of Beat The World Records and our artists.
The best part is that everyone who enters will receive a Beat The World Records Compilation EP (Digital Format), featuring one song from each of our artists, including The Dandy Warhols, The Upsidedown, Logan Lynn, Spindrift, and 1776!
One (1) grand prize winner will receive a new Guild® GAD-JF3012 acoustic guitar, as featured in the photo. This guitar regularly retails for approximately: $1,799.99 (USD).
Ten (10) other winners will receive a Beat The World Records Gift Pack, featuring one digital format record from each of our artists
To enter the contest, you must simply click on the “Enter Now” button below and submit a valid email address. Each entrant/person may only enter the contest once. Everyone who enters the contest will instantly be given access to download the Beat The World Compilation EP (Apple Lossless Digital Format) and will be entered into the drawing for the grand prize: a Guild® GAD-JF3012 acoustic guitar; and for the Beat The World Records Gift Pack .
The contest is open for entries through January 5th, 2010. The contest winners will be drawn at random by a Beat The World Records employee. Employees and associates of Beat The World Records, The Dandys Warhols, and any affiliates will not be eligible for entry.
I wonder if I can get fired and then shunned from the group in order to win this guitar. I bet I will just for making this joke.
Our label mate Logan Lynn is receiving significant ink ‘n pixels about his new record From Pillar to Post so we thought we would throw Logan an old fashioned Dandys-style listening party this Sunday night. Hell yeah. And if you’re in Portland you can come to Logan’s party for freezies. After sufficient digestion of Logan’s awesome new disc, Rescue, the famous DJ who shares the same DNA as Zia because she is Zia, will be spinning tunes on what she calls a turntable, because that’s what DJs do. This party will have food stuff and drink stuff, and probably someone will attempt to take their clothes off. Then what? I don’t know, probably something “adult.” (This party is twenty-one and over, but really if you’re under twenty-one, stop trying to grow up so fast and enjoy being so adorably young.)
Here are the details in the popular un-Gothman-rambling prose version:
SUNDAY – 11/22/09 – 8PM
PS Here is a fun new video from Logan that’s blowing up right now.
Hey the colors for the website are different. Yeah I got tired of seeing the black and blue while waiting for the new site to be completed. So here’s some colors being used for the new site. WHOA, BIG DEAL.
Hey folks, I’m one of the judges at the Literary Death Match tonight.
Not exactly sure what that means but it sounds like a good time. Arthur Bradford, author of Dog Walker will be one of the contestants, if you don’t come see him read tonight at least go out and get his books. He’s pretty awesome. Maybe I’ll see some of you down there.
If you told me you thought this was the greatest movie ever made I wouldn’t actually be able to say you were wrong so I would just say “yeah or Star Wars”
Me and Fatty, The Dutch Masters, are playing at a pretty cool benefit this Saturday. It’s for 2 organizations that provide job experience & music resources for homeless kids in Portland. There will be an auction of glass orbs that local artists have done and a bunch of other things that could make for cheap, nifty Christmas presents. These people do really good work and it’ll be super fun. Voodoo Doughnuts, a marching band, Hot Dog on a Stick, aerial acrobats, a drag queen and Kevin and Anita from Viva Voce are playing too. So come down and throw a little money around. It’ll be amazing. Check out