The Dandys are in St. Louis tonight at Pop’s. Well, it’s across the river in Saugut, for youse without the GPSs and stuff. I have to get one of those. Remember when everyone just drove around not knowing where anything is? That me still. That’s just one reason whey I never venture into North Portland. I mean, there are dozens of reasons to not go to North Portland, but getting lost is at the very top of the list. And I’ve lived in Portland for fifteen years. Dumb.
Here’s some pics, guys.
I don’t know who this is, Zia sent it at 2am our time.
Here’s Tildy being Tildy.
Court forgot this one from yesterday, too. Or it’s from two days ago. Either way, it’s way old in interweb terms.
Saturday, the Dandys are in Oklahoma City, where they haven’t played since it’s been a state. And Monday they are in Houston. Tickets still are still up for grabs for both shows.
Pete sends along a Pete International Airport performance. That’s Peter and Jsun Upsidedown there. Awesome.
Court’s got a movie review for District 9. You can see that on his movie review page.
Finally, our friend and label mate Logan Lynn has been getting a lot of ink ‘n pixels about his awesome new record From Pillar to Post. The record is ready for pre-release this weekend and you can check that out on his site.
The band is in Kansas City tonight to play at the Beaumont Club, but arrived on Wednesday to check things out. Both Zia and Court sent home pics so I thought I would combine them into one post. You know the deal.
COURT: Lots of famous old photos on these greasy walls. The Robert Johnson look-a-like behind the register yells “YOUNG MAN” at everyone. Even Zia. He proably did at Jimmy Carter, too.
ZIA: Best BBQ in Kansas City I’m told. Honestly I preferred the stuff Poopy got us in Arkansas better…..
ZIA: In case anyone wants to know what our meal looked like.
One last one from Courtney:
The band, touring with BTW labelmates Spindrift, will be appearing tonight at K.C.’s Beaumont Club, and will be in St. Louis on Friday and Oklahoma City on Saturday.