I have no idea why this didn’t show up on your Goog-a-lert but whatever. The world is such a complicated place and I try to be a Luddite whenever possible.
No matter how many traffic accidents there are (est 31,000 last year in the U.S.) I am amazed at how well our traffic system actually works. It seems to me, considering how kinda absentminded we are as a species, that I should constantly be ducking, bobbing and weaving to avoid these giant clumsy projectiles a lot more than I am every time I get in my car. Now add texting whilst driving. Sheesh.
Actually upon a quick analysis, traffic laws might be the only proof that rules actually work, if they are finite and fairly well policed.
can anyone tell me whether or not it is illegal to make a left turn across a double yellow line? i see an awful lot of stopped traffic in town of people waiting for someone to do this.
The Dandys’ cover of the Cure’s “Primary” is available for free along with this week’s NME special tribute to The Cure, pictured with me on the cover looking all bashful. (Oh, that’s Robert Smith.) “Pictures of You, A Tribute to Godlike Geniuses of the Cure.” Get it at your local, what do they call ’em over there, news agents?
If you can’t pic up the mag, our song is still available on the double length Cure tribute Perfect As Cats, available in stores and on iTunes.
UPDATE: Yes, Lee, thanks. This special edition of NME drops in your lap Feb 28th.
Also, this message comes from Robert Smith:
This is the original Autotune® sound, by the way. I was looking for a good example before but just couldn’t think of nor find one.
Today this showed up on my “you might like” YouTube box. Wtf? Um….okay.
Well here it is: the sound that threatened some of mankind not much more than a couple weeks ago and prolly still threatens someone today.<
So I still can't think of a song that I've ever loved which employs this effect. I used it on our version of PRIMARY (The Cure) but ended up taking it off. Maybe I'll post a mix of it back later.
Actually I took it off because it's the first time I've liked the way my voice sounds singing "yelliie guy" style. Mr Yellsworth. Yells Yellington. It doesn't really sound like me. I love that.
I’ve got a record called The Best of Chet Baker Plays. Well I believe it. One of the best records I own. It’s all hits pretty much. What a guy.
He lived in Portland for a while. Guess he liked to shoot dope and be left alone. Played gigs with the local cats out on NE Vancouver. He left his saxaphone with the only white jazz cat, Billy Hood. Oh, actually I guess it was the pawn shop ticket for the sax. Not the sax itself. Apparently his daughter or grandkid still has it.
(If anyone can verify that story, would be nice to know. Thanks.)
Old Joy (2006) – This is some of the best writing ever and once Will Oldham comes in, this movie explodes out of it’s “hard to watch local/indie” first few minutes.
A Star Is Born(1976 remake) – I laughed a couple times what with the kitch and all but mostly you just almost hurl.
“Anything big and dead serious is perfect for comedy. The bigger the target and the more it takes itself seriously the better.” – Bill Coker (retired director)
My neighbor was the 1st asst director on the Smokey and the Bandit movies and we were discussing the personal nature of what people think is brilliant comedy when that gem came out of his mouth.
The best part about our new newsfeed widget? Quite obviously, it’s exploring the mind-bending possibility of reading this post about newsfeed widget from the newsfeed widget.
Well I tried to think of a great Autotuned® song but I can’t.
Anyhoo I’ve been in Denver for a few days and even went skiing for a half day. Nice. Jeez I’m sore. Well Denver was apparently just recently rated the most liveable city in America by someone who knows. Puh leeez. There’s a mall for every neighborhood and they’ve also distributed real big city ghettos so evenly that wheather you’re in a $300,000 or three million dollar neighborhood, you’re always three to eight blocks away from an actual ChicagoDetroitWashingtonDC styley ghetto.