So yeah, things have never been better at The Oddy. We’re just cranking the tunes out, and every single one is awesome. You heard us. We can’t for you to hear our little party we’ve been having here. I don’t think we’ve mentioned this before, but we’ve been working with engineer Greg Gordon this time out, trying some new things, and yeah, Greg has proved to be totally 100% on it. This new album, we can honestly say, is the best work we’ve done. Serious. Shake our hand on it.
Hey everyone. I’d like to thank y’all for being patient with us as we learn in the process of doing our own store. I hate that I’ve turned our fans into guinea pigs so it’s killing me that we’ve definitely run into a few problems early on. It’s come to my attention that all order confirmations are sent from Much to my dismay our mac mail was not linked to that account and we’ve only been responding to inquiries emailed to as directed in our FAQ. I’ve fixed the mac mail to receive email so if you’ve written there concerned about an order you’ve placed and paid for but haven’t received yet, you will get a response from us shortly. This is a MASSIVE BLUNDER that should have been figured out much sooner. If you have written to and don’t receive a response from us in the next 48 hrs please contact me directly at For those of you who want to instant message the store, our store screen name at AIM is DANDY MERCH. That IM should be up from 10 am to 6 pm Mon – Fri. Feel free to give us a shout there and we can expedite any answers to questions or concerns you might have. You can also try telephoning us at (503) 241-2396.
Please please please do accept my apologies. Your response has been tremendous and slightly overwhelming. As you can see from the above I’m making the effort to ensure you guys are taken care of. Hopefully we can get the few trouble bits ironed out so I can get on to adding new product to the store and putting stuff on SALE!
Thank you again for your patience and understanding
Hey, thanks for coming to our gigs last week, we had a great time. Hope you liked it. We’re home, now, and up for some more recording. If you saw us last week, you got to hear a couple of our new songs, so you already know how awesome they are. Yeah. that’s just the beginning.
As always, if you didn’t bring enough cabbage to the gig to buy some of our new threads, our store is open. There’s a new ARMS shirt that Gothy worked up that’s pretty killer.
Talk to you soon,
ps: if you have any pics from the shows last week, send ’em our way. either email them here or post ’em on
Please pardon our lateness in processing your orders through our new webstore. We’ve run into consistent problems with the United States Postal Service. The problems should be resolved as of today and the orders will be filled on Monday, Feb 19. Please forgive the turnaround. We have been diligent in fixing the problem and assure you that your goods will be in hand as soon as possible.
PS. You can still get tickets for our Noise Pop gig on March 2nd in SF. GO HERE. But you best hasten your approach, brothers and sisters, as those tickets are fly-fly-flying away fast. Hope to see you there!!
What’s with the sun? Yeah, usually, we get a sun-break in the dark, bleak Northwest winter, but it usually comes in February. But this year, what with El Niño and global warming and the George Bush’s ’65 Lincoln idling in the White House driveway 24 hours a day (guess he’s getting ready to make a break for it), faux printemps has come early this year. This is something you really need to know, huh?
Hey, we like getting the notes from you saying “Hey, you hippies, play in Miami,” and “Why don’t you ever play in Portland, Maine?” You really don’t know how many little notes we get from all over the word. Well, until now. This new deal called Eventful is tracking fan demand for their favorite artists in different locations. We figured we’d sign up and see just what happens. So, we invite you to “Demand” us to come to your town (although, we assume you are saying “please”).
Oh yeah, new Dandys web store should be up next week, with some new supercool stuff you haven’t seen before. Funn!!
We’re still taking our little holiday break, but we’ll be back to recording tracks in the next couple of weeks. Should be pretty exciting, yeah? We also will have some new merchandise for you to wear/show off very, very soon. We’ll let you know in a few days when that goes down.
Hope everyone had an awesome Oh Six. Oh Seven is going to make Oh Six look like a bowl of dog food.