Yeah, we’re home and all jet-laggy. What a way to spend a birthday, huh, Court? Yeah. Anyway, we know a lot of youse took some amazing pics while hanging with us in Europe, and hey, yeah, we would like to see ’em. Just go to our Skin Up photo archive and upload ’em. It really could not be simpler — a baby can do it.
“Have you seen that pirate movie yet?”
“Honey, they’re all pirate movies.”
What up, dogg? Hey, we’re playing a couple of shows with the Stones next month in Spain and Portugal. Check it out. Pretty awesome. Yeah. Oh! And we’re playing a show on September 2nd, in a city where we have never played before, in a country we have never played before. Oh, your brain is just spinning, isn’t it? It’s all confirmed, but we are waiting for our hosts to announce it first. But it’s a big ‘un. Funn!!
Oh yeah, and you know what? EMI has let us know that “Have A Kick Ass Summer” is only being released on iTunes in Europe. I don’t know how that works. ::shrug::
We set sail on the Fourth for Europe. I mean, not sail. That would be ridonkulous. Yeah, we’re pretty sure it’s going to be the best time ever. I mean, how couldn’t it be? Come on.
Have some extra cabbage, because we’re bringing some cool merch stuff.
Oh, and we have a new single dropping. Yeah, should be very, very soon. We’ll let you know. It pretty much dominates.
Uhm, yeah, so if you see us after a gig, stop and say hi.
Hey, what’s up? Guys, it’s so nice in Portland right now. Oh, I think it’s time for a cookout on the roof. Call Ray and grab some beers.
Practice is awesome, got a few new ones worked out. Should be a fucking amazing record.
We want to let you know our plans for the summer. Lots of festivals, a couple of club gigs, recording a new record. Yeah, pretty busy. Check out out our SHOWS page to see where we will be.
Hey. What’s going on? We’ve confirmed dates for the Summercase Festival in both Madrid and Barcelona for this July. Check out the info on our SHOWS page. More are on the way, so don’t flip your wig.
Wow, it is so nice here today, guys, you wouldn’t believe it. Reminds us of..spring? Yeah, it’s BBQ time.
And, yeah. Dig this. Time to start thinking about where we’re going to play this summer. We have some plans in the works. A lot of them we can’t tell you about until they are confirmed with the promoters, but we can tell you that we will be at Festival de Terre Neuvas in Bobital, France on July 7th and Solidays Festival in Paris on July 8th. Tickets are already on sale for these dates, so yeah, get out your wallets. More dates will be added this week. As always, be sure to check our SHOWS page for all official word on where we will be playing.
The Morning After Girls are in town, and it was Aimee’s birthday, so we threw the Girls a little dinner party. So great. The Girls will he here for about a week, recording some stuff, having a good time.
Hey, we have a new photo archive running. We’re not quite sure how it’s going to integrate with the rest of the site yet, we’re still working out those issues. But if you want to take a look, maybe sign up and upload some pics of us you took while we were hanging out after some show or anything like that, feel free to sign up and start uploading. Right on.