Our new record, Odditorium or Warlords of Mars, is now in stores. If you are okay with leaving the house, why don’t you go down to your local cool record store and pick up a copy. If you can’t leave the house, relax. You can get it on iTunes.
Capitol has put together a little sampler for you to hear the songs from our forthcoming record, Odditorium or Warlords of Mars. Check it OUT.
The footage shown with the songs was culled and cobbled together by Sean Gothman for use in a bonus DVD which that for reasons we cannot mention was scrapped by someone in a department called “legal”. (This DVD may end up just being sold straight from us, so doon’t cry because the window is so small, you can watch the whole thing in 5.1 soon.)
It’s not supposed to be 97 in Portland, It’s not, really. You know, we’re really looking forward to fall, though. Oh man, it’s so nice. But it looks like we will be spending the most of October in Europe, as we have finally confirmed our European tour dates. Check it out on our SHOWS page to see where and when.
(Don’t worry, U.S., Canada, and Australia — your dates are coming very soon. Maybe after we shower.)
Hey, how is you your summer treating you? We’re currently stuck inside practicing for our fall tour. (And it’s hotter than two cats fucking in a wool sock. Remember to drink lots of water.) We’re not too sure what the details of our tour is yet, but we will let you know when everything is set in stone.
Some cool radio stations across the U.S. are already playing “Smoke It”, and the response has been tremendous. If you want to hear it, call your local station that plays the cool music and request it. It’s pretty important to us that these stations hear from you. It could really make the difference between playing the song more and reaching even more cool people, allowing us to visit places we have never been. So get on the phones, log onto the websites, and request “Smoke It.”
Oh yeah, and Odditorium or Warlords of Mars will be out September 13. And hey , there will be a bonus disc of video material that has been cooked up especially of the record, with a special 5.1 Surround remix of Warlords.
We’re doing some press in Europe right now — having lots of funn, like we do. We’ll be back in the States for Lollapalooza on July 24th, but if you’re in Chicago on the 23rd, Pete and Fathead will be spinning some records with Anton from Jonestown and a load of other bands you probably know at the Party in the House of Paygosim, at the Double Door. Sadly, the party is invitation only, so if you live in Chicago, you better cozy up to someone at Virgin Mobil to get in. Other than that, we hear bribes of money, sex, or drugs work well with most door people.
Mr. Courtney was walking around one day, minding his own business, when up comes Mr. Perry Ferrell. Says Mr. Perry to Mr. Courtney, “Hey, Mr. Courtney, you should play at my show.” To which Courtney replied, “What?” Then Mr. Perry repeated his plea, “Hey, Mr. Courtney, you should play at my show.” To which Courtney replied, “What?” Courtney was about to go back to minding his own business when Mr. Perry scooped up a handful of pebbles and leapt to a nearby spinning wheel. Well, Mr. Perry spun and he spun! Whirrrr! Whirrr!! He spun for about ten minutes until he fashioned those pebbles into a solid gold hearing-aid. After handing the device to Courtney, Mr. Perry again repeated his plea. “Hey, Mr. Courtney, you should play at my show.” This time, with the golden hearing-aid augmenting the plea, Courtney replied “Ohhhh. Okay.”
Why the long face, mon petit? Is it that you feel left out of The Dandy Warhols news carnivale. Well, let me tell you, brothers and sisters, it hasn’t been all topless women in giant feather head dresses here. Oh, oh, yes, we’re busy, but with nothing really to report. Catch our “drift”? The word according to Capitol is that Odditorium or Warlords of Mars is slated for September, receiving their full attention. But we should hasten to warn you that sometimes these things have a habit of getting moved back. Not that Capitol would willfully (or unwillfully) do that with Warlords, as they nearly dropped dead from delight upon first hearing the completed record. It’s just, you know, sometimes the way business works. In the meantime, this gives us more than enough time to edit together a video for each and every song on the record. More on this later…
As for touring, there have been a lot of rumors flying about. Honestly, we don’t know where a lot of these rumors come from, but it seems to happen whenever a record is getting ready to come out. We should probably remind you that unless you read about it on dandywarhols.com, it really is just a rumor. That said, we are working on what we want to do for this summer, so yeah, at least you will have something to look forward to.
Who all is going to see Star Wars this week. Chop chop.
This is our new site. If you want to see it in 3D, make sure to get 3D glasses that have red and cyan, or red and blue (though red and cyan works best). Those work best. But we think it still looks pretty cool without the glasses.
There are may be some bugs to be worked out with the site, links not going to the right places, that sort of thing, so please be patient with us. Aside form that, everything should be here. Hope you have fun.
Tara at our favorite radio station 94.7fm here in Portland wanted everyone to know that the station is now streaming online and will be playing some new songs of ours from time to time. Maybe we can get her to play “Hard on for Jesus” for Easter. (You are ready for Easter, right?) Anyway, take a listen to the station. It’s cooler than pretty much any station, especially any station that featured Sean Gothman talking over songs and irritating listeners.