Courtney’s Books: Umberto Eco and Harper Lee
Umberto Eco and Harper Lee, who wrote two of my favorite books: Foucault’s Pendulum, and To Kill A Mockingbird respectively, have left the building and almost simultaneously.
Written by Courtney Taylor-Taylor on . Posted in Courtney.
Umberto Eco and Harper Lee, who wrote two of my favorite books: Foucault’s Pendulum, and To Kill A Mockingbird respectively, have left the building and almost simultaneously.
Written by Courtney Taylor-Taylor on . Posted in Courtney.
I’m thumbing thru this book and I must say this guy is an amazing writer.
Written by sea gothman on . Posted in Courtney.
It took me this long to realize as with their underdeveloped ideas re their interiors they also had underdeveloped ideas about power. They saw having power over people as the ultimate power. Not power to do great or even good things for people. Or even try their best whether or not they failed. Just power over other people.
Written by Courtney Taylor-Taylor on . Posted in Courtney.
This is the hardest I’ve laughed in a while. This guy has an arsenal of reference points and he can go off like the Queen of queens. And Coupland’s forward really sets up your head to fully appreciate what’s going on here. Damn this is a good read, even though it’s laid out as a coffee tabler.
This shit cracks me up. He goes thru Lenin, Idi Amin, that Romanian psychopath, Hitler etc. It’s worth having.
Written by Courtney Taylor-Taylor on . Posted in Courtney.
Some people are just really good writers. This is your basic Avatar/Dances with Wolves-white man come and take our land stories but somehow this is worth doing again. Well at least the way she has done it.
Why the eff do I feel like I’ve grown as a person from reading it? Same with that Kingsmen movie. I somehow feel like I’ve learned something important which will make me more capable of dealing with the world and being a person I want to be. I suppose that’s why humankind has been telling stories since before we came down outta the trees.
I am curious as to why she didn’t call it “THEIR word for world is forest”.
Written by Courtney Taylor-Taylor on . Posted in Courtney.
This is about the Indian mutiny of 1855 or so. It’s fuggin disgusting. They chopped up anyone including women and children and babies and it’s really hard to read about. Also hard to get out of my head now too.
Written by Courtney Taylor-Taylor on . Posted in Courtney.
Wow I didn’t realize it wrapped around. This would be a sick record cover.
Well with my vast knowledge of cricket (the Austral-Anglo-Indio pastime) paragraphs like this I find simply riveting.
Written by Courtney Taylor-Taylor on . Posted in Courtney.
This was lots of fun. The first one “Flashman” was superior but that’s like getting a Ferrari and complaining about the glovebox. I’v got two more. I doubt they are in sequence but at this point who cares. These books are damned hard to find.
Written by Courtney Taylor-Taylor on . Posted in Courtney.
The most stunning paragraph I’ve ever read.
I can’t stop reading it over and over. Like a song you get immediately addicted to. Effing wow.
Written by Courtney Taylor-Taylor on . Posted in Courtney, The Dandy Warhols.
Starts out real annoying by following around a neurotic character, then it goes ahead and gets real icky.
Now, were I not on a plane I would have put it down after 15 pages and never picked it up again.
The book seems to be an experiment in not liking your main character.
This writer is good and he says a lot of clever things but this book ultimately put me in a terrible mood for like 17 hrs.