I watched this one the night after watching the Avengers and although they are turds of distinctly different colors, the one thing they have in common is that I couldn’t make it to the end of either.
I am so completely blown away by the civil rights movement. This was a small group of young men and women who changed the way the world they lived in would have to think about and deal with them. It’s also about truth and right overcoming lies and meanness and they did it.
Here’s an object d’art created by my niece who lives in Alabama. She’s thirteen. I thought this is pretty cool and particularly “modern art-ish” for a thirteen year old.
In the Deep South this freaky huge flower grows on a tree. They call it a cowcumber, or swamp magnolia.
Farewell Mobile Bay way out there. About to drive to Jackson, Mississippi, for a crawdad boil. I sure wish we could play some gigs down here. Southern life is where its at. Super chilled out.
I missed the day at the swimming hole. And the 80 foot homemade black waterslide.
I think this kid was shooting skeet with a 12 gauge a little earlier.
Hosing down a couple hundred pounds of live crawdads. They’re known as crawfish down here but they’re not fish. They’re bugs.
Things are heatin’ up ’round here.
Jackson, Mississippi, airport. This (like most sculptures of children) is a fairly creepy looking sculpture dedicated to racial reconciliation. The portrait behind it is of Medgar Evers, the brilliant champion of the Voting Rights Act and desegregation legislation. He was murdered in 1963. There’s a great exhibit on his life here and having an hour to blow I must say I’m finding it very inspiring.
How cool are these ladies. They’re being arrested for going into the “public” library.
This is what I spent the afternoon on. On the lovely Mobile Bay. Then ate deep fried pickles (hamburger pickle chips) at The River Shack with shrimp poboys. Can’t imagine I consumed even one vitamin or mineral there. Fascinating, captain. They eat like nine-year-olds.
This writer’s voice is such a perfect dusty old pick-up truck that I really thought he’d look like Tom Waits.
I thought wrong.
Anyway, it’s To Kill a Mockingbird but without the huge tragic bit. Just a series of beautiful incidents which illuminate themes. Or at least that’s one way I see it.
Actually fuck that. This is just plain awsome. Read it.
I guess I should really try to find a copy of this entire show cuz here’s another one which I think turned out pretty sweet considering its live and all.
Just a quick note to let you know that Courtney and Brent’s performance at Radio 104.5 (WRFF-FM) in Philly from last week is up on their site. Listen with gusto.