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Tag: courtney taylor-taylor

More On “The Forever War”

Last week I mentioned that I was reading The Forever War and that I wanted to hear from Richard K. Morgan about it.  Richard just got back to me via Pete:

When I finished The Forever War I actually thought to myself that this is the best book I’ve ever read.  Whether it is or not is irrelevant.  The book is amazing.

From Richard:

Yeah, The Forever War is great.  Haldeman was really there, he served as a combat engineer in Vietnam, was injured in the fighting and invalided home.  The book’s a brilliant metaphor for veteran dislocation.  I met Joe in Gijon a couple of years ago, along with his wife Gay – really lovely couple.

There you have it.


Love Is The New New England

Oh Boston.  On the NE coast these guys were such an infestation that they just went ahead and fed them to the local prison inmates…. Without drawn butter.


Now… welcome to Rhode Island.


Brown University.  So cool…



Podcast: Courtney and Fathead WFNX

Courtney and Fathead were on WFNX in Boston this morning, and since some of you don’t live in Boston or were otherwise occupied, you can listen to the program in podcast form HERE, or embedded below.

[pro-player width=’400′ height=’32’ type=’AAC’]http://wfnx.com/blogs/sandbox/audio/podcast/sb040909.m4a[/pro-player]

(Lee says the part with our guys is 2/3 of the way through, in case you have to catch a plane or don’t have a lot of time.)

Now Fatty says that he and Court are having foodstuffs at The Oyster Bar, as evidenced in the pictured he provided below. It’s 100% true!

Fathead sez: Here is a shot of Courtney and I having lunch in Boston. This town is great.
Fathead sez: Here is a shot of Courtney and I having lunch in Boston. This town is great.



Breakfast in Boston before WFNX.


WFNX has been a cool station since the eighties.  Check out some of the names on these reels.


The Forever War

I haven’t finished this book yet but man, it’s fuggin genius. Get it. Basically a war novel, it’s setting is a really amazing dystopian view of the future.  Incredibly detailed and well considered in regards to every concept he puts in.  And there’s a lot of em.

I’m having Pete ask Richard K. Morgan about it cuz he’s my favorite uber modern writer.  (Another Warhols fan. Pete met him when Richard was on book tour.)  If he has, I’ll post what he says.

And check out “Altered Carbon” by Richard K. Morgan.  This also mind-blowing book deals with a plausible future and how class structure/technology could play out.  Richard’s “voice” as a writer is so cool.  Dude is awesome.


Cheese Steaks

It might say pizza but I think this is my new favorite cheesesteak in Philly.

High Steaks


Fatty, Um...

The Dutch Masters, me and Fat Head.

The Dutch Masters

…and The Dutch Masters sang beautifully.

The Dutch Masters Sang Beautifully

Here is a movie review:

Quantum of Solace (2008)

Quantum of Solace


Directed by Marc Forster

Besides this looking like it was made for tv, the bits of plot that they strung together here made about as much sense as the title.

Movie Review Archive


Wednesday Radio Preview

If you are in Philly, Court and Fathead (The Dutch Masters) will be appearing on Radio 104.5 (WRFF) tomorrow (04/08) at 1pm EDT.

The rest of youse can hear DJ Zia Rescue on W+K Radio at 11a PDT (with a replay at 1p PDT). Send in your requests to djziarescue@gmail.com.

UPCOMING: Thursday, the Dutches are in Boston (WFNX & WBOS), while next Wednesday, (04/15), McCabe’s show expands to two hours and moves to 1pm PDT.

Whew.  Looks like you’ve got some listening to do.

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➡ GET LOST! In The Dandy Warhols' GIGOGRAPHY. Every show we have played.
“Alcohol and Cocainemarijuananicotine”
“Teutonic Wine”

“I’d Like To Help You With Your Problem (featuring Slash)”
“Danzig With Myself (featuring Black Francis)”
“The Summer Of Hate”

©2023 The Dandy Warhols, Portland, Oregon USA