Dept. of Ridiculously Last Minute: ¡HOLA! We’re filling in for our friends The Ravonettes tomorrow night (10/7) at Coordenada GDL Festival in Guadalajara, MX. Hedford will be there, should be a pretty bitchin’ party.
Hark! A video from Corona Capital last Saturday in Mexico City. Check out “Mohammed” and “Shakin” in HD, which is almost better than being there in person, I say.
ITEM: We’re about week away from Festival Corona Capital in Mexico City (SAT 12 OCT). Now word comes down today that Zia (DJ Rescue) will be spinning the night before (FRI 11 OCT) at Legión Americana. Drop by, it’ll be a hoot!
ITEM: Hey PDX’ers don’t make plans for October 27th, we’re having the premiere of our 13 Songs in 13 Places videos that night at The Hollywood Theatre. We’re still waiting on the ticket info for some reason, so we’ll have it for you next week, as well as details on a fun contest we’re putting on to go with the event.
ITEM: Courtney sat down with what we are told is the big whoop with rock in the Balkans, take a look HERE if you read Serbian. (I don’t!)
Do you remember the good ol days when we’d play in Mexico City and I’d dress up like a WWI flying ace but really I just looked like I wanna be Tommy Lee? Yeah, me too. I miss those days.