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Tag: they don’t make ’em

The Billionaire’s Vinegar

Another fantastic book.  I seem to be on a roll.

The Billionaire's Vinegar
This one is delivered in an almost dry, fairly impartial tone which only added to my hanging on every word.  Wow what a tale.


Southern Life Is Where It’s At

Continuing from Alabama this weekend…

Here’s an object d’art created by my niece who lives in Alabama.  She’s thirteen.  I thought this is pretty cool  and particularly “modern art-ish” for a thirteen year old.

Object d'Art

In the Deep South this freaky huge flower grows on a tree.   They call it a cowcumber, or swamp magnolia.

Swamp Magnolia

Farewell Mobile Bay way out there.  About to drive to Jackson, Mississippi, for a crawdad boil.  I sure wish we could play some gigs down here.  Southern life is where its at.  Super chilled out.

Farewell Mobile

I missed the day at the swimming hole.  And the 80 foot homemade black waterslide.

Swimming Hole

I think this kid was shooting skeet with a 12 gauge a little earlier.


Hosing down a couple hundred pounds of live crawdads.  They’re known as crawfish down here but they’re not fish.  They’re bugs.


Things are heatin’ up ’round here.

Crawdad Boil

Jackson, Mississippi, airport.  This (like most sculptures of children) is a fairly creepy looking sculpture dedicated to racial reconciliation.  The portrait behind it is of Medgar Evers, the brilliant champion of the Voting Rights Act and desegregation legislation.   He was murdered in 1963.  There’s a great exhibit on his life here and having an hour to blow I must say I’m finding it very inspiring.

Jackson Airport Display


How cool are these ladies.  They’re being arrested for going into the “public” library.

1963 Tougaloo Protest


On The Lovely Mobile Bay

This is what I spent the afternoon on.  On the lovely Mobile Bay.  Then ate deep fried pickles (hamburger pickle chips) at The River Shack with shrimp poboys.  Can’t imagine I consumed even one vitamin or mineral there.  Fascinating, captain.  They eat like nine-year-olds.

Boat in Mobile, AL


Jim The Boy

Now here’s another quite amazing read.

Jim The Boy

This writer’s voice is such a perfect dusty old pick-up truck that I really thought he’d look like Tom Waits.

I thought wrong.

Anyway, it’s To Kill a Mockingbird but without the huge tragic bit.  Just a series of beautiful incidents which illuminate themes. Or at least that’s one way I see it.

Actually fuck that.  This is just plain awsome.  Read it.


Ode To Bum Doll

Let me just take a second to remind you of this:


I just couldn’t stop thinking about it.  Obsessing about it.
I wrote a poem about it.




I guess I should really try to find a copy of this entire show cuz here’s another one which I think turned out pretty sweet considering its live and all.

[pro-player width=’500′ height=’375′ type=’MP4′]https://www.dandywarhols.com/video/tdw.lastfm.moho.mp4[/pro-player]


More On “The Forever War”

Last week I mentioned that I was reading The Forever War and that I wanted to hear from Richard K. Morgan about it.  Richard just got back to me via Pete:

When I finished The Forever War I actually thought to myself that this is the best book I’ve ever read.  Whether it is or not is irrelevant.  The book is amazing.

From Richard:

Yeah, The Forever War is great.  Haldeman was really there, he served as a combat engineer in Vietnam, was injured in the fighting and invalided home.  The book’s a brilliant metaphor for veteran dislocation.  I met Joe in Gijon a couple of years ago, along with his wife Gay – really lovely couple.

There you have it.


Love Is The New New England

Oh Boston.  On the NE coast these guys were such an infestation that they just went ahead and fed them to the local prison inmates…. Without drawn butter.


Now… welcome to Rhode Island.


Brown University.  So cool…




Breakfast in Boston before WFNX.


WFNX has been a cool station since the eighties.  Check out some of the names on these reels.


The Forever War

I haven’t finished this book yet but man, it’s fuggin genius. Get it. Basically a war novel, it’s setting is a really amazing dystopian view of the future.  Incredibly detailed and well considered in regards to every concept he puts in.  And there’s a lot of em.

I’m having Pete ask Richard K. Morgan about it cuz he’s my favorite uber modern writer.  (Another Warhols fan. Pete met him when Richard was on book tour.)  If he has, I’ll post what he says.

And check out “Altered Carbon” by Richard K. Morgan.  This also mind-blowing book deals with a plausible future and how class structure/technology could play out.  Richard’s “voice” as a writer is so cool.  Dude is awesome.


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The Dandy Warhols

Date City Venue Country
Tour: 2025-07 EU
07/04/25 Hérouville-Saint-Clair Beauregard Festival FR
Time: 3:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/09/25 Athens Univers GR
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/10/25 Ioannina Peaki Sports Complex GR
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/11/25 Patras Palaia Sfageia GR
Time: 7:00pm.
07/12/25 Sofia Arena Sofia BG
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/14/25 Bucherest Quantic Club RO
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/16/25 Zagreb Boogaloo Club HR
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/17/25 Prague Lucerna Music Bar CZ
Time: 7:00pm. Address: Štěpánská 61. Buy Tickets
07/18/25 Debrecen Campus Festival HU
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/20/25 Vienna WUK AT
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/21/25 Katowice P23 PL
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/23/25 Hamburg GF36 DE
Time: 7:00pm. Buy Tickets
07/25/25 Emo Forest Fest IE
Time: 3:00pm. Buy Tickets
➡ GET LOST! In The Dandy Warhols' GIGOGRAPHY. Every show we have played.
“Alcohol and Cocainemarijuananicotine”
“Teutonic Wine”

“I’d Like To Help You With Your Problem (featuring Slash)”
“Danzig With Myself (featuring Black Francis)”
“The Summer Of Hate”

©2023 The Dandy Warhols, Portland, Oregon USA